it is after steel processing  .molten steel is converted in slab and billet . slab is USED IN making a strip and billet is used in making a wire and rod .after slab is going in hsm (hot strip mill)where it is converted in strip. this strip is called hot colour is has some impurity like percantage of  carbon is high. so its colour is black. it has low tensile and yield strength as compare then cold strip.
first of all slab is  passing from furnance. furnance is heated the slab and after it passing through a roller and high pressure water is apply on it and remove a slag . after it passing a roughing mill where its thickness is decrese and width and length is increase. afteris transfer table and shear of its front end ..and at last it passing from finishing mill where its increase the roughness and at coiler  it wrapped in has depend on dimension and weight below 30ton called normal coil and greater than 30ton coil is called JUMbo coil.HSM coil is directly used in making a cylinder, pipes, plate, chesse,drum etc.
 It is layout of HSM process.

it is roughing is 6 hi 5 stand which means 6 horizontal rollers and there has five stand.
it is layout of HSM  it is roughing is 6hi 5 stand which means 6 horizontal roller and five stand.


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