steel making process from raw material to final sheet making

for steel making it pass many steps
1.iron ore is extracted from mines. after it is goes in benification plant .Benefication is  a process in which iron ore and sand is seprated through centrifugal machine. it seprate iron ore ,sand and other impurity. after it goes in RMHS ( raw material handling system) where raw raw material is transfer from other department. raw material is transfer by conveyour belt.
2.After RMHS material goes in agglomeration process. Agglomeration  process is divided in two parts  Sinter and Pallet Plant. Sinter is mixture of iron ore flux and other additives it has size approx 20 to 30 mm. and it is used in Blast Furnance. Pallet is also mixture of iron ore flux,limestone etc. it has good quality compare than has size approx 8 to 16 mm.
3.coal is coming from foreign as well as india's country.coal has four category 1. pit 2. lignite 3. anthresite 4. bituminus .in which bituminus and anthresite coal has large calorific value so these are use in blast furnance.
4. directly coal is not used in blast furnance .coal is converted in coke through some process and also increase his calorific value.
5.In blast furnance coal ,iron ore,flux and mixturing and heated at approx 1100 c. it converted in molten metal.stag is seprated from molten iron.
6. This molten metal again tranfer sms(steel melting shop).there it has disulferisation  .and also added some extra material according to grade of steel.
7.In sms steel is converted into slab and billet through mould.these slab is goes in hsm (hot strip mill) and billet is goes in lp mill( long product mill)


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